Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What's going on with Princess Mom of 3

Wow it's been a good long while since I've blogged. So many things have changed since my last blog... Some sad & happy.

The kids are all doing great. Growing and growing way to fast though. Summer vacation is almost over & Noah will be going to junior high next year and Isaiah the 3rd grade. I am hoping to enroll Mariah in some little classes at the Rec center during the week when big brothers are back to school.. (she is going to miss having them home). Boys are signing up for soccer this fall season. My husband will be coaching both of their teams again, so that will make me the team mom :) hoping to find a dance class for Mariah to join as well since she is a bit to young for soccer still.

I've been good. Working a lot more now and getting ready to work with the school PTA again this upcoming year. Husband and I are good too.. Wish we could have a little mommy & daddy time but very grateful for the time we do get together and with our babies.

This April we lost a very important man in our lives. My husbands father passed away leaving us all heartbroken and sad. With time things seem to be getting better but we will always have a piece missing without him here. He is was such a special man, father, grandfather and father in law. We have been through the ups and downs lately but together with all the loving family time, memories and talks we always seem to come to have our years turn to happiness. He was a very happy person who always made you smile and laugh. He knew just the right thing to say or do to make your bad day turn around and make it better. We love and miss him so much. Rip papa Keith!

We moved again.. That's a long story but we are doing good. Back to the home we called home for almost 8 years if not longer. We could live anywhere and we would be happy though as long as we have each other.

Hope all my blogging buddies are doing well. I will try to post more often and hopefully get back into helping businesses by doing reviews for their companies.

Princess Mom of 3 ---> Francine