Saturday, April 30, 2011

30 Day Challenge

I have seen this on many blogs for awhile now & even on facebook. I find it pretty neat as I have learned things from friends I never knew about them. So as of Monday May 2nd I will start My 30 Day Challenge to share with you all. I hope you enjoy learning things about "me" as I enjoying sharing them with you!

30 Day Challenge:
1. 15 facts about me

2. My favorite song
3. A recent photo and a photo from 10 years ago
4. My favorite movie
5. What’s in my bag/ purse?
6. My favorite book
7. My day in detail
8. My favorite quote
9. How important is education
10. My favorite painter
11. My hobbies
12. A photograph of the town I live in
13. My favorite cake recipe
14. My favorite vacation
15. My favorite songs that match a certain mood
16. A photo of the last item I bought
17. What I wore yesterday
18. What’s in my make up bag?
19. My favorite musician
20. A photo of somewhere I’ve been to
21. My favorite TV show
22. Something I don’t leave the house without
23. My celebrity crush
24. A photo of something that means a lot to me
25. Three good things that have happened in the past 3 months
26. My favorite memory
27. What I’m currently reading
28. My favorite place
29. My wish for the future
30. What has been going on this month

Any one of those you are excited to learn more about "Me"?



  1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment about the blog post! I will be reading this challenge! It looks very interesting. Returning your follow and hope that you have a great weekend!

  2. follow back at

  3. I'm going to do this as well! Thanks for the idea!!

  4. I'm going to do this as sounds like fun! I cant wait to learn more about you!! =)
