Sunday, February 21, 2010


Just a little update on the Gray family..

We are all doing great..been spending a lot of family time inside or hanging out at the park or out front. We have had some weird weather week rain and the next sunny and beautiful..but we enjoy every moment of each day no matter what the weather holds for us daily.

Jason had his 30th birthday on Jan 31st..Crazy that 30 is already here for him. We meet when he was 17 and I just 16. He has been working hard and sometimes long hours at work. Him and I have been having some nice movie nights together on the couch after the kiddos get to bed. It's nice to have that time together. We really do need to plan a date night soon though.

Noah turned 9 years old on Feb 14th. 9 years it go to fast. He is doing well in the 3rd grade..the start was a bit tough but working hard and studying lots has gotten him back up to A's and B's. He is working toward all A's.

Isaiah just turned 6 years old on Feb 18th.Isaiah is doing so well in Kindergarten. He loves school and I don't think he can get enough of it really. I think he is so ready for a full day of kindergarten. He has such a wonderful imagination sometime's.

Mariah is doing great..3.5 months old now. She has learned where her toes are,how to nom on her hands(all the time) grab toys and carry them to her mouth,she sleeps at least 5-6 hours at one time at night..if not all through the night, she smiles so much and even have gotten a few giggles out of her. She is trying very hard to roll over from back to stomach..stomach to back she has gotten down though.

I'm doing great.Very happy now that I can be a sahm to my babies. Quiting my job in January was the best thing I could have done. I've never been so happy. I have been EBF now for 3.5 months and couldn't be more proud of myself. I haven't exactly lost all the baby weight I gained just yet but I am working on it. I know it will take time and that I really should not be to hard on myself. I would like to start a walking pattern with Mariah in the mornings after the boys leave for school. Maybe even keep on a workout routine as well. I would like to get myself down to about 130lbs. I'd be happy as well with a size 7 in pants/shorts.

Well all 3 kiddos are in bed and so is the husband so I guess I should go lay down as well. Boys go back to school tomorrow morning so back to the daily grind.

*Really hope I can keep up with this blog a lot better.. not as easy with a baby in the house =)


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