Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


  1. when did you get these done anyway??

    And where are you getting her bows from?

    My hubby hates headbands on babies (seriously, I think he's a crack head, lol) but I need to get some huge pretty head bands for Kendall!

  2. I did them earlier today..a little late but had to get them done before she turns 6 months next month.

    I get her bows so far at Target and Walmart.

    I hated bows to till I had a baby girl. Now I'm obsessed and LOVE them. I need to start making them.

    Oh and my hubby usually pulls them off her head after awhile LOL

  3. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Aaawww she's adorable...

  4. how cute
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